Cannon Shot! is a fun arcade game where you shoot a cannon, trying to get your cannon balls to fall in a glass jar elsewhere on the screen.
To get your cannon balls into the glass, you have to bounce them off a disc at exactly the right angle. You can control this angle by moving the disc horizontally or vertically. Depending on how you move the disc, the cannon balls will fall into the jar - or not. Keep in mind that you only have so many cannon balls, so it's important to aim carefully before shooting like crazy.
The first few levels of Cannon Shot! are simple: all you have is the cannon, the glass, the disc, and yourself. But as you advance in the game, other elements will appear, and you'll have to adjust your strategy accordingly: rotating blades, traps that get rid of your cannon balls, moving platforms that block your way, and more. Play strategically and plan ahead, shooting your cannon balls wisely in order to get them in the glass.
Cannon Shot! is a fun and really addictive game with a simple premise and amazing graphics that are sure to keep you entertained as you train your eye to hit the right shot every time.